Rules of engagement

Our commitment to you and rules of engagement

  • We’ll manage our Twitter account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the exception of the period between 23:00 on Christmas Eve and 08:00 on Boxing Day.
  • When things go wrong we’ll do our best to help, but in times of major disruption we will focus on broadcasting information to as many people as possible and therefore won’t be able to respond to all individual messages. We will include links to other channels for further information to help you with your journey
  • Some enquiries / complaints will require specialist input from other parts of the business and therefore we may not be able to offer a full response immediately. We will either give you a full reply as soon as we can or may direct you to our Customer Services team
  • If you need a detailed response or explanation that can’t easily be addressed on Twitter, or if your enquiry doesn’t relate to train running information or general issues, we may need to direct you somewhere else. Please don’t be offended by this, we just want to make sure you get an appropriate response to your enquiry. 
  • We will do our best to always respond to your messages but, as detailed above, we might not always be able to do this. 
  • We will always be polite and considerate to our followers and ask that you communicate with us in the same way. We won’t engage with messages that are abusive. In cases of repeated / sustained abuse, we may have no choice but to block your account(s), but we hope this won’t be necessary. If we receive offensive or obscene images on WhatsApp, we reserve the right to notify the relevant authorities. 
  • Please don’t take or post photographs of staff on Twitter. If this happens we will kindly ask you to remove the post. If you wish to make a complaint against a member of staff, please contact us
We look forward to receiving your tweets @Se_Railway.
We welcome any comments or suggestions you might have about our rules of engagement. If you'd like to get in touch please contact us.


We provide a 24/7 service on Twitter, to provide you with help and advice about your journey and our service.
What we can’t do is respond to detailed questions about our policies or procedures, so we might need you to get in touch in a different way.
We receive a high volume of comments and questions each day and unfortunately can’t always respond to all of these, therefore we focus on responses which can bring the most significant practical benefit to our passengers. 
Whilst we understand that things can sometimes go wrong, and how frustrating this can be, we do ask that you remain polite when dealing with our social media team – they will do their very best to help you but we won’t respond to tweets or messages that are abusive. Keep it friendly!
As well as providing train running information, we like to hear and share good news as well. Twitter in particular,  is also about having fun and we appreciate the wit and humour of our followers too.

Facebook & Instagram rules of engagement

We use our Facebook and Instagram accounts to share stories and inspire you with places you can visit with our service. We can't respond to comments on these platforms so if you'd like to get in touch please contact us. We understand that delays or disruption can be frustrating and cause stress, however, we ask that you keep it friendly on our channels. In cases of repeated / sustained abuse, we may have no choice but to block the account(s), but we hope this won’t be necessary.