Read and download our policies

What our passengers want is a safe, reliable and welcoming train service. Our policies set out how we run our business and provide a good passenger experience for you. Our passenger charter below also sets out your rights when you are travelling with us.

Passenger Charter

Our Passenger Charter sets out what you should expect when you travel with us, how you can claim compensation if you are delayed and how you can contact us.

Download our Passenger Charter PDF

National Rail Conditions of Travel

When you buy a ticket from Southeastern you enter into a contract with us. This document explains the rights and responsibilities of both parties as part of the contract, plus the minimum level of service you are entitled to expect when you travel.

Download National Rail Conditions of Travel PDF

If you are a season ticket holder you might also wish to see the Code of Practice  we use for meetings arranged to sort out duplicate season tickets. This is the document referred to in the National Rail Conditions of Carriage dealing with this issue.

Download Duplicate Season Ticket Code of Practice PDF

Railway Byelaws

To keep passengers safe and to ensure you have a good experience while travelling, there are a number of Railway Byelaws. These are the safety, behaviour and ticketing rules that apply to most train operators in Great Britain and their passengers.

Download Railway Byelaws PDF

Accessible Travel Policy

Whether travelling independently or with our assistance, we want to make it as easy as possible for our disabled and older passengers to make journeys on our trains. The Accessible Travel Policy (ATP)  sets out how we do this.

Read or download our Accessible Travel Policy

Revenue Protection Policy

If you are travelling on Southeastern you need to buy a valid ticket or have an authority  to travel. To protect the best interests of our fare-paying passengers we have a number of procedures in place to manage fare dodging. This policy makes clear the procedures in place for managing those who have not paid for travel on our services.

Revenue Protection Policy

Penalty Fares Policy

If you are travelling without a valid ticket you can be charged a penalty fare. Our policy sets out how the scheme operates, what you’lll be charged and how to pay it.

Penalty Fares policy

Social value

Social Value is the value created by an organisation through its financial and non-financial day-to-day activities in terms of the wellbeing of individuals and communities, social capital created and the environment. Our latest Social Value report sets out how we are making a difference in the context of economic, environmental, and social wellbeing.

Download our Social Value report 2024 PDF

Download our Social Value report 2023 PDF

Complaints Handling Procedure

Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities. View more details on how we handle complaints below.

View our Complaints Handling Procedure

Bike Policy

Our Bike Policy sets out when and on what routes you can take a bike.

Bike Policy

Terms of website use

In addition to the website terms and conditions please read the terms of website use. In order to use this website, including browsing and buying tickets, you must comply with both these agreements. If you don't agree with the terms then you must not use this website.

Terms of website use

Cookie Policy

If you use our website and you agree we may place small data files on your computer that help us better understand how our website is used – for example which are the most popular pages on the site for all our users. They help us improve our content.

How we use cookies

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy details how we handle your information to keep it safe, when we might share or disclose it and how it is stored. It also contains information on how to check the information we hold on you and your rights of access to it.

Privacy Policy

Social rules of engagement

We use our X account to give our passengers up-to-date journey and disruption information. We can't respond to all questions, so we focus on those that will help the most people. We understand that delays or disruption can be frustrating and cause stress, but our team are human and will not respond to abusive tweets. Please be polite, tell the team exactly what the problem is and they’ll do all they can to help you.

Our rules of engagement on our social platforms

Modern Slavery Statement

You can download our statement on modern slavery below.

Modern Slavery Statement PDF

Rail Passenger Rights & Obligations 

Feedback from our passengers consistently tells us that providing timely and reliable information, particularly when things go wrong, is one of the biggest priorities for our passengers.

View Rail Passenger Rights & Obligations

Tax Strategy

A published tax strategy is a public document that outlines a company's, partnership's or group's approach and attitude to UK tax planning, its policies around UK tax risk management and internal governance, and how it manages its relationship with HMRC. The 2016 Finance Act requires certain businesses to publish online their tax strategy as it relates to UK taxation.

DfT OLR Tax Strategy

Pet policy

You can travel on Southeastern services with a maximum of two small dogs on a lead or other small domestic animals free of charge. For each additional animal, a fee of half the adult fare of your ticket will be charged - up to a maximum of £5 for a single, and £10 for a return.

Pets other than dogs  must be carried in a fully enclosed basket or pet carrier with dimensions not exceeding 85 x 60 x 60 cm and cannot be taken out of their basket or carrier. If your pet causes a nuisance, inconvenience or a safety hazard to other passengers you may be politely asked to remove your pet from the train or station property.

Please respect your fellow passengers – who may not be comfortable with dogs – and keep your dog on a lead at all times.

You cannot travel with non domestic animals on our trains.

Questions about our services?

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Explore Our policies