How frequently can you receive alerts?

Regular alerts Single alerts
Sign up on the Southeastern website or app Sign up on the Southeastern website or app
Set up regular alerts for journey disruption & station facilities updates Set up alerts for journey disruption, station facilities updates & timetable changes
Must be logged in to create regular alerts, but you don’t have to buy a ticket to complete the alert set up You don’t need to be logged in to set up a timetable alert, but you do need to be logged in to set up a single disruption/station facility alert. Single alerts aren’t confirmed until you have bought the ticket you’re setting the alert up for.
Alerts can be managed through account (create, pause, edit, delete) Alerts can be managed through account (pause, edit, delete)
Aimed at passengers making the same journey regularly Aimed at one-off journeys
You can choose to receive the alerts by email, app notification, or both. You can choose to receive the alert by email, app notification, or both.

How to set up regular journey alerts on the website:

Journey Alerts in website 1

1. Press the 'Alert me on this service' button to choose the type of alert you would like to sign up for and how you'd like to be notified

Journey Alerts - single website journey

2. Select the bell icon at the top of the screen to take you through to your regular journey alert options. 


Journey Alerts website 3

3. Choose whether you would like to set up an alert for weekday, Saturday or Sunday journeys and the time of departure.

Journey Alerts in website 4

4. Select the train departure times you'd like to set up alerts for and choose if you want to include station facility alerts. Once you're happy, press 'Save alert' at the bottom of the screen to create your regular journey alert.

How to set up regular journey alerts in the app:

Journey alerts in app step 1

Journey alerts in app step 2  

App notification:

Journey alerts app notification

How to set up single journey alerts on the website:

Journey alerts - single journey

How to set up single journey alerts in the app:

How to set up Journey Alerts in the app