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This is an unstaffed station. Ramp for train access and staff to assist, are on the trains and they can only help getting on and off trains . You can book assistance up to 2 hours before your journey. If you need assistance whether booked or unbooked please ensure you make yourselves visible on the platform so the on train staff can see you. There are also Help points on the platform where you can get in touch with our assisted travel team. To request assistance through the help point (assistance point), please use the assistance button which will put you in contact with a Southeastern colleague. We have a Mobile Assistance Team who can be deployed to stations which otherwise have no staff to assist. This can be arranged in advance by booking through Customer Services or by using the Help Point on the station (although inevitably there will be a delay if not booked in advance) - alternatively a taxi can be arranged, at no additional cost, to convey you to the nearest station where you can be assisted further.